Sunday, October 03, 2004

Donald Trump on Dan Rather

The Don pulls no punches on this one. This was featured on his daily short commentary program on the radio

After strongly defending the validity of documents he used in a “60 Minutes” report attacking President Bush’s National Guard service, CBS newsman Dan Rather admitted that the network could no longer vouch for their legitimacy. Rather apologized for the mistake on the CBS Evening News. But, really, is that enough?
In an editorial The Detroit News wrote, “When one media outlet hollers ‘Gotcha!’…it had better know exactly what it’s got.”
CBS named an independent panel of experts to scrutinize its reports and to assign blame where it should go. The question is whether or not Dan Rather made a sloppy reporting mistake or whether there was some sort of bias on his part as some conservative groups might have you believe.
What I really don’t understand about Dan Rather and CBS is that he’s been number three in news for years. What does Dan have on the executives at CBS that would allow him to go for years as the anchor of the lowest-rated network news program? From the standpoint of business and ratings, why aren’t they getting somebody to replace Dan in the first place? Maybe this would give them a good excuse.
Dan Rather did a piece on me for “60 Minutes” which I felt was just as dishonest as what he did with these reports. It’s time for Dan Rather to go. He talks about integrity, but he just doesn’t have it.

Now if only someone at Viacom would tell Dan "You're Fired." Hell would freeze over before that would happen.


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