Got any newstips for me???
Feel free to E-mail them to me.
My E-mail is
Regarding the news be sure to provide me the link. If I think its newsworthy and legit it is very likely I will create a hyperlink for it.
I also will take commentary pieces from both right and left. Again I will screen this pieces regardless of were they are coming from.
If the news and commentary links are from nut case regardless of his/her convictions left or right I will not link. Best bet avoid the "underground" type sites for newslinks or commentary. I do not go their nor will I link to them. News sites from overtly religious news sites such as Focus on the Family's "Family News in Focus," Agape Press, etc. may be used but it depends on the stories that you send me. I know World Net Daily does link Christian news sites and I do use WND links a lot. Again it depends on the story.
I will not link commentary pieces that are overtly religious in nature. Anything about praying for your nation or biblical roles of men and women will not get linked on my blog. I have become very turned off towards organized religion and don't want anything to do with it. I feel that those in organized religion have a prejudice towards people like myself and I felt very unwelcome in most churches. I have no interest in attending a 'liberal' church either because I don't agree with what they think should be public policy regarding our civil Goverment. Now if they want to ordain GLBT leaders that is their choice, but leave me out of it.
Now I do have friends that have religion and that is fine, but like I said, your people had their chance but they blew me off, including those who I THOUGHT WERE MY FRIENDS. Some people talk about Church being a family of somekind. I hate it when people take that angle cause they may shun people in the "Church" family and eventually those people become lost. Now I am lost and proud of it. They had their chance and they blew it.
I will go into depth about my personal feelings regarding organized religion in a future post, but I wanted to set the ground rules
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