Morning News & Commentary
It's official Bush chooses Condoleezza Rice to replace Colin Powell
U.S., Iraqi Troops Launch Mosul Offensive Probe Shooting of Wounded Iraqi
Who will be the Dems leader in the U.S. Senate???
...and who will be the RNC chair
Jacques Chirac says Bush has won the U.K. Nothing. I try to be professional but all I can say the French are WIMPS!!!
Birth Rate for Young Teens Lowest Since 1946
U.S. bases warned not to sponsor Boy Scouts. I am not fan of the ACLU
ACLU takes a blow regarding religous displays
Conference to push separation of school and state. Great ideal for the Elementary and Secondary levels.
David Limbaugh talks about the Clinton factor and how that help the mondern Democrat party
Bruce Bartlett talks about tax cuts here in the states and in Europe
Jack Kemp deals with the issue of Filibustering and encorages a REAL filibuster
The Dems say that privatizing Social Secutry is bad and threatens the system, but Phyllis Schlafly warns that illegals from Mexico are a REAL threat to S.S.
With Araft gone will things change in the PLO. Cal Thomas says that Araft's possible replacement are of the same cloth and promoted terror in the past. Israel must keep their guard up.
Star Parker talks about the Gospel according the the Democrats
John Hawkins give us the top 11 reason why Kerry lost
Hans Zeiger takes a stand for the Boy Scouts and their belief in God is not limited to just one or two faiths.
Melanie Kirkpatrick talks about who might have a chance to sit on the high court
Joseph Farah talks about several things that are likely to get barried by the media.
Mychal Massie talks about dark dealing of Barack Obama D-Ill
William Safire talks about the UN oil-for-food scandel and how the UN is stonewalling investigations.
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