Saturday, November 06, 2004

Youthful Idiots in Boulder get heard

Last Friday this was the biggest story in northern Colorado. On Thursday night these youthful idiots decided to camp out at Boulder High School and protest.

This protest was about the direction of were our government is going, and these kids wanted to meet with some of our local leaders.

Well they did get U.S. House Rep Mark Udall who is a Democrat to come to Boulder and speak to the youthful idiots that staged the protest, along with Bill Ecket who is the vice president of the Boulder County Republican party.

They teens asked questions regarding the national debt, military recruitment in high schools (very bad thing in Boulder you know), and environmental issues.

This was the topic of discussion on Denver's News/Talk powerhouse KOA-AM. Mike Rosen had on Boulder High School teacher James Vacca who encouraged the youthful idiots to do what they did. I just glad that Rosen made a fool out of Vacca and showed how unobjective this teacher is. The evening and late night KOA talkers Gunny Bob Newman and John Caldara respectfully also made this the hot topic on their programs.

This also got the national media's attention and the protest and event was covered by MSNBC and CNN. The left wing talk radio network Air America also had coverage and made this their top story on their hourly newscasts. Yep these left wing lunatics do have their own newscasts along with the left wing talkers they have. Smart move for KOA's sister station KKZN-AM to market their Progressive Talk station to the People's Republic of Boulder.

I am not going to blame the youthful idiots here, but I will blame Vacca the schoolmasters, and the parents of these kids. These parents should have been the adults here and they should have told that this kind of protest is childish. Looks like they hold on to their childish ways of the 1960's. Besides the GOP may have won nationally but here in Colorado the Dems now have the upper hand.

Oh yea you kids don't want to get drafted and go to war. Well if we must have a draft, then it least it could convert a few of these youthful idiots into people that will understand what this country is all about. Michael Savage would sure love that since he supports drafting these youthful idiots. I personally do think that our military should be all-volunteer and no draft of any kind should be in place.

The only danger to that is maybe that these kids will use their time in the military to pad their resume and use that to make a political career out of it. Many Dems and their supporters (especially leftist radio talker Ed Schultz) use that shut up the right and justify their far left wing agenda, including cutting back on our military.

Teenagers do have certain right and responsibilities. Protesting at your school and locking it down is not a right and they should be more responsible in their attempt to be heard. Meanwhile Vacca should be more objective in the way he teaches his kids, but I doubt he will.

The story from the Boulder Daily Camera,1713,BDC_2488_3309723,00.html


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