Morning News & Commentary
Bush Downplays Tommy Thompson's Terror Worries
Bush Pressuring G.O.P. to Approve Intelligence Bill
Is ObL trail getting cold again??? Some say yes.
Top Official: U.S. Wants Cuba 'Liberation'
Patriot Act II: Pro-safety, or anti-freedom?
Why an intelligence bill is failing in Congress
Woman deported after visit to DMV
GOP, Democrats Trade Congressional Seats
Delaware River Oil Oozes, Mess Gets Murkier
Private firms are now going after people not paying to Uncle Sam, but the Goverment may not like that however.
Bush Signs Internet Tax Moratorium but doesn't cancel existing taxes on Internet sales
2 city workers run up $7,000 cell phone bill but they can still keep their jobs
'We will be able to live to 1,000.' Now that would be nice
Glenn Harlan Reynolds says that Kofi Annan has one virtue. That he is weaking the United Nations
Heather Mac Donald is worried about Washington's political correcteness
Formor Denver Bronco Reggie Rivers is happy that Germany will investigate certain officals in the Bush administration. My token lefty piece of the day. I will do Rivers again.
Holiday Lyric Line
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago
"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." Best known versions of this song were done by Andy Williams, Amy Grant, and Johnny Mathis.
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