No Mercy for CBS News on this Blog
National syndicated radio talk show Hugh Hewitt is a big supporter of us bloggers. His official website is also a weblog.
On today's program Hewitt is talking about the downfall of several CBS News people including Mary Mapes who thought she could take out George W. Bush with some fake memos. Too bad you could not wait a bit. Now she is gone, but the fight must go on.
I am only one person and their are other events on my mind, but I promise you I will hold the lefty's in the media to the fire when I can. I don't want to waste my time watching these losers on my TV screen. However Hewitt is upset that some bloggers are cutting CBS News some slack. Well Hugh if you come across this I will not give them any slack.
Also and I am speaking to everyone that reads this...I hope you keep an eye for that Fairness Doctrine that Louise "The Ripper" Slaughter from New York State wants to try to bring it back so that her side can reclaim their monopoly on the media. She might go after the blogspeare next since she said on Moyers final PBS show that she wants a fairness doctrine for the cable channels.
This woman IS VERY DANGEROUS!!!!
Anyway this blog will go after the old media big time and I call a dirty skunk when I see it.
Gonna stand my ground, won’t be turned around
And I’ll keep this world from draggin’ me down
Gonna stand my ground and I won’t back down.
Tom Petty
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