Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Saddam Hussein's judge assassinated
Rightys EVIL or so says The Scream
Libertarian think tank Cato likes the Terminator (R-Cally) and Bill Richardson (D-NM)
Neal Boortz says TV Station Mangers should be ashamed for not airing "Saving Private Ryan." I agree. The FCC is not going to fine the stations that did. Accually the ones that you should be really ashamed of is Brent Bozell and his Parent TV group. Stick to detecting liberal bias in the news media please Mr. Bozell. Check out other thoughts from Boortz as well.
Speaking of which here some things from Bozell's MRC regarding Hollywood and the Oscars
Cathy Young stands behind Larry Summers of Harvard
Star Parker offers some suggestions for the boys and girls at Harvard.
Thomas Sowell turns our attention to the University of Seattle. Got a problem with Milltary recuriters
Joel Mowbray talks about the Rwanda genocide 10 years ago. If you have not seen Hotel Rwanda yet then go see it. Mowbray also recomends a book in which one person that was not mechioned in the movie but sat on his @$$ while certain people in Rwanda were being murdered. KOFI ANNA!!! MUST READ!!!!
Kamal Nawash sounds a wake up calls to his fellow Muslims warning of the dangers of those who use Islam to promote terriorism around the the world. He also calls that these terriorists be DENOUNCED by the Muslims...MUST READ!!!
Kamal Nawash is also the president of the Free Muslim Coalition. Check out the website
Rich Lowry says to Seniors "Quit the AARP"
Bruce Bartlett talks about the many countries that were rulled by the iron hand of the Soviet Union going to a flat tax. Fair or Sales Tax is still better people, but Bartlett's piece is a MUST READ!!!
Gerald Sutton says that Feminism needs to scraped. He has a point. It like affirmative action for woman.
Cliff Kincaid says the watchdogs ignore the facts in Cannongate
Tonights token lefty is Air America Radio co-founder Sheldon Drobny. Says Hollywood sells out, and they should be more like his step children on his liberal talk network.
Bonus Lefty Piece: This is one I agree with however: From Ellen Goodman. (If you have not seen Million Dollar Baby and don't know how the movie ends. DON'T READ THIS PIECE!!!)
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