Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Is Gov. Schwarzenegger's reform effort on the verge of defeat? John Fund asks that question.

Could the illegals be the third rail rather than Social Securty??? Thomas Sowell thinks so

Bill Murchison talks about the Dems being the "no" party. Not even Captial One can save us in this one.

The Dems being morally bankrupt what else is new??? David Limbaugh talks about it.

Jack Kemp says if the people are given choice regarding retirement accounts they go for it.

Cal Thomas urges our government to get tough on terror and get someone like the fictional Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) from the FOX drama 24 to write the playbook in fightiing terrorists. Question is will our goverment do it and/or find such a person with a Jack Bauer quailty.

Some say the the European Union is the new Roman Empire. Phyllis Schlafly does not need to compare it to Rome just to show you how its a technocratic nightmare.

I think I am going to present several token lefty pieces tonight.

Thom Hartman says that Jimmy Carter tried to stop Bush's energy disasters 35 years ago.

Joel Connelly says his hero (or one of them) John Kerry has his fighting spirit back.

Laura Flanders says that In Bush's World, Global Treadies are for Girly Men. Forget Peace through Strength, Its about Peace through cooperation, and Goodwill

Our Loss Was Our Gain in Vietnam or so says socialist/communist sympathizer Robert Scheer

E-Mail Me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


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