Monday, May 23, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I have a piece on the media and them being the unoffical arm of the Democrats following this post.

I have a lot of readings tonight so look them over.

Bob Parks has his thoughts on Newsweek and the lefty media in his audio commentary from last week. MP3 Software required.

Gunny Bob Newman reminds us of Robert Byrd's ties to the KKK...with a little help from Michelle Malkin who he credits in his piece

Howard Dean got put into his place on Meet The Press

The Transcript from the show

Mort Kondracke says public broadcasting must still be funded by the government but needs balance...Dream on Mort, that will never happen. Defund this monster I say.

Robert Novak talks about shame debate in our Senate. The fight is really over the high court people.

Even since his fall from grace I have not linked pieces from Armstrong Williams. However I am linking this one because it deals with the way Muslim women are treated and he writes it well.

The liberal media says when your born poor, you will die poor and never be able to move into the upper classes. I am warning you people the leftys truly want to take us back to the dark ages...Great Piece from Star Parker.

Frank J. Gaffney Jr. says confirm John Bolton

What does children's textbooks say about the Koran??? Suzanne Fields talks about it.

Herman Cain talks about the 'Ignorance Strategy' when it comes to the Dems

The media admits their bias. John Leo has thoughts on this

North Korea believes the Koran flushing

Guess who funded the Media Reform Conference???? George Soros, our favorate millionare socialist. These jerks want to distory is they call it "the right wing noise machine." Then we shall go back to the days when the liberal press was able to control the many minds in America

Tonights Token Lefty is EJ Dionne Jr. He tells the Dems they still must play defense, but some trends could help them.

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