Have You Forgotten???
Have you forgotten how it felt that day? Too see your homeland under fire and her people blown away Have you forgotten when those towers fell? We had neighbors still inside going through a living hell And you say we shouldn't worry about Bin Laden Have you forgotten?
That came from hit song from Country artist Darryl Worley back in 2003. Now we are in 2005 and even without the Hurricane Katrina tragedy that struck New Orleans we truly have forgotten the tragedy of 9/11.
They took all the footage off my TV They said it's too disturbing for you and me It'll just breed anger, it's what the experts say If it was up to me I'd show it everyday.
They may have taken the footage of 9/11 off our TV screens, but hey now the media can keep us showing the footage of New Orleans and how many people had their lives taken from them. They can show us the dead bodies, the ones who are poor (and mostly black) were screwed by "The Game of Life," and by the Evil George W. Bush and his Republican Party don't give a darn about the African-Americans. Don't get me wrong, we do need to help out the victims of New Orleans no question about it (I will have links to groups who are helping out once again after this commentary and within this post). Don't be surprised however if the media does not get the outcome it wants (i.e. Democrats elected to Congress and a Democrat President) they will keep reminding people of the New Orleans tragedy for a long time to come.
It is amazing how the left reacts to this. They now see a chance to stick it to Bush once and for all. Some have called for Bush (and Cheney) to be arrested and sent to prison. Fine just make sure that Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco get thrown in the clink as well. However nobody is going to jail and Nagin and Blanco will be forgiven because after their good liberals, and liberals can never do wrong. Can the left finally get the "security blanket" back from the Republicans once and for all? That is what they are hoping for in their quest to make America more like the Socialist Paradise they have been dreaming for many years...even if Bush increased Government spending MORE SO than Bill Clinton. The way leftys act, its like that the Democrat Party was some kind a religious cult, and that this cult called the Democrat Party needed to evangelize those people who are misguided by Republicans, conservatives and libertarians. Yep in case you don't know it allready I am a bad guy to these leftys.
Don't you tell me not to worry about Bin Laden
The left likes to remind us that Bush forgot about ObL, however the "War on Terror" has a bigger picture. Saddam Hussein at one time was an ally (not by choice however) regarding the 1980's conflict with Iran and you can thank pacific Jimmy Carter for that, and guess who thinks he was a great President? WALTER CRONKITE!!! The man who sold South Vietnam out to the commies second ONLY to Jane Fonda.
It has been reported that Hussein was a secular Muslim of sorts and maybe even a Marxist. If that is true it should not surprise you why the media and the left have not been supportive of Bush regarding this angle of the "War on Terror." Make no mistake Saddam was loved by the left. Their has NEVER been a Communist and/or Marxist the left has ever despised.
Today their might be some 9/11 rally in your hometown. Be sure to make time for it. We need to remind that troops who are fighting the War on Terror that we have not forgotten the reasons why they have been sent into this war. We also want to remind them that the media may not support them, certain Citizens of America do.
Please do remember New Orleans and give to those who are helping the victims.
Adventist Community Services http://www.adventist.communityservices.org/
AmeriCares http://www.americares.org/
American Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/
America's Second Harvest http://www.secondharvest.org/
Catholic Charities USA http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/
Christian Disaster Responce http://www.cdresponse.org/
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee http://www.crwrc.org/
Church World Service http://www.churchworldservice.org/
Compassion International http://www.compassion.com/Default
Convoy of Hope http://www.convoyofhope.org/
Ed Schultz (Darth Fargo) Adopt a Family of Hurricane Katrina Trust Fund http://www.wegoted.com/
Feed The Children http://www.feedthechildren.org/
Habitat for Humanity http://www.habitat.org/
Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod World Relief
Lutheran Disaster Response (This is done through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America body) http://www.elca.org/disaster/
Mennonite Disaster Service http://www.mds.mennonite.net/
Nazarene Disaster Response http://www.nazarenedisasterresponse.org/default3.asp
Network for Good http://www.networkforgood.org/
Orthodox Presbyterian Church is taking funds but I think you CAN'T do it online http://www.opc.org/katrina.html
Presbyterian Church in America-Mission to North America http://www.pca-mna.org/
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (This is done through the Presbyterian Church USA body)http://www.pcusa.org/pda/
The Salvation Army http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/www_usn.nsf
Samaritan's Purse http://www.samaritanspurse.org/
Southern Baptist Convention — Disaster Relief Address WAAAY too long Click here to give through the SBC
United Methodist Committee on Relief http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor/
Worldvision http://www.worldvision.org/
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod's Relief Fund http://www.wels.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?process&procID=10007&groupID=647
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