Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Tale of Two Religions

One religion is hated by the media and the other gets a pass.

Compare these two stories from CNN. Just click on the words below

Story about a Coffee book that features The Virgin Mary in Elephant Poo.

Story about a recent cartoon about a cartoon depicting putting the founder of Islam in a negative light, and certain Muslims are ragging mad.

It seems CNN went out of way NOT to offended the Muslims by putting a disclaimer at the end of story that read; "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam." Now did they show that same respect for the Catholics???

The Answer is a BIG FAT NO!!!!

Is CNN afraid of the Muslims going after them???? Who knows, but one thing for sure the leftys at large has showed its sympathies towards the Arabs in many areas, including their attempts to drive the Jews out of Israel and towards their religion.

Who says the media hates religious people? Just the Judeo-Christian one.


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