Monday Readings
And we stair at Madonna in her 'Jesus Christ Pose.' Can someone tell Madonna that Soundgarden did that years ago? A woman on a cross that is.
It seems that the Dems did not want Ray Nagin back in power so says Matt Drudge. Too bad Howard Dean.
The Ditzy Twits have not only dissed Bush but the core Pop Country audience. Well ladies I hope your head monkey (Natalie Maines) knows what she is doing. We always knew that she was a Woof Woof. Story from FOX News, and the song appears true that Maines and her lapdogs are 'not ready to make nice.' I am sure your actions over the years won the hearts of many that have a 'Progressive' Taste in music as well public policy. The rest of us see as Socialists, and I hate socialists with a passion.
If you watched Clinton's Sunday Morning Monkey yestersday, one of his 'friends' said Nixon was better than Bush. Yes Clinton can never do wrong...maybe Hillary can do wrong.
Kerry Fip-Flops again. This time it in regard to a fence, but not just any ole fence.
Conservative speakers unwelcome on commencement day. John Leo talks about it.
If You Live in Atlanta try to make time for the 'Fairtax Rally' plus other comments from Neal Boortz.
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