Recommended Readings
Michael Savage outsells Ted Kennedy, Fairtax becomes part of our current poltical lexicon, the verdict on Zacarias Moussaoui, Anti price gouging legislation, rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy ssys it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are just as lng tte firt and lst ltteer are in the rghit pclaes. The rset is a toatl mses but you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm(My problem is omiting certain words), and the assembling a posse to fight the Mexican Invasion. All from the head of Neal Boortz.
We trust our Government more than we do the media at large. FOX News and CNN most trustworthy media outlets by the way.
Could the cause of Gas Prices be the cause of certain dictatorships of the world??? Max Boot gives us something to think about.
Cal Thomas presents a MUST READ regarding a political correctness storm brewing when it comes to the 'Mexican Invaders.' Mexican Invaders is my BUZZ word.
Brent Bozell shows how the media is in support of the Mexican Invaders.
Senator Ted Kennedy -- "Peace Criminal"? That is what Larry Elder says. MUST READ!!!!.
John Kenneth Galbraith was a famed liberal, socialist economist. He is eulogized today the conservative George F. Will. Check it out.
Tuition soars due to knowledge shortfall??? This is what the 'Righy Babe' has to say.
Never Mind New York, it was truly 'Saturday Night' in DC in which Bush was mocking himself. Suzanne Fields talks about that one. :-)
Rudy Giuliani Says Zacarias Moussaoui should have taken the dirt nap. Sorry Rudy.
Americans are taking to the Internet to log information for authorities about illegals.
The Minutemen are on a nationwide tour to increase support and awareness for the lax border security. Nut Jobs No More. Support The Minutemen!!!
Somebody did a little digging and found out El Presidente was caught singing the national anthem in Spanish. The left and the Mexican Invaders and their overall supporters are going to love that one. Good going Condi Rice, on getting the upper hand with Bobby on CBS's "Face the Nation."
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