Thursday Readings
With all this Wal-Mart bashing, Robert Ringer explains that most Americans have been spoiled by certain Socialist aspects that were adopted over the years, and says the best thing to do is look for other employers.
Could the woman on The View convince us to lose a war than our Government??? Ann Coulter has random thoughts on the left's 'madate' to lose the Iraq war.
Larry Elder wonders if the NBA has Quotes.
Oliver Stone will pay a fine for his Castro Movie. Thank Goodness!!!!
Can Congress put the courts in their place??? Michael Farris says Yes and gives us an example.
527 Groups get fined by the Federal Election Commission.
No wants to have dinner with the Governor of Louisiana. The Highest bid was a know $1.oo.
Teddy is not waiting for The Kerry to make up his mind regarding 08. He wants his party to win the oval office so they can SEAL THE DEAL!!!
Hugh Hewitt talks about the anti-Mittary feelings and Milltary history in his piece this week.
We know Victor. Talking to Iran would be a big mistake, but you the Dems.
One kind of Diversity is not welcomed in Higher learding.
George Will says that Obama time to make a run for President is now, and can deliver on getting the ticket.
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