Friday, October 08, 2004

Bush vs. Kerry Round 2

Tonight will be the second of the three debates that Bush and Kerry agreed to.

It will be a Town Hall style meeting, and they will take questions from 'undecided voters.' The moderator is Charles Gibson from ABC's Good Morning America.

One thing for sure, Bush needs to WIN THIS DEBATE!!!

Listening to radio talkers Ed Schultz and Michael Savage, the writing is on the wall. Democrat Kool-Aid drinker Schultz is confident that Bush will fall on his face and that the people will see that John Kerry is deserving of the oval office, especially with the evidence that their were no WMD's.

The emphasis on WMD is what the Dems are using for their best shot of removing Bush from office. Could Saddam have created them in future??? No doubt he could have. Let's us not forget the UN food for Oil program or the fact that France and Germany made money via Saddam. Oh and Jacques Chirac decided to do a America bashing speech...IN VIETNAM!!! Yes that's right Vietnam, were Communist Socialism is alive and well. One Socialist nation to another.

Michael Savage who does not drink anyone's Kool-Aid also says that Bush must come out fighting and must not come across like Fred Rogers. He must attack John Kerry regarding his record both in Vietnam and in the Senate. Bush must overcome the slanted questions if any (cause I believe there will be Democratic moles with questions to ask) and take the ball and score the touchdown. He must not take the advice of his advisers and call the terrorists what they are and most be a stronger word than militants. How about ANIMALS or MURDERERS or KILLERS. If Bush does not remove the PC noose, Ed Schultz (since he loves football) will go on his show and say that Kerry is going to win the football game.

Bush's weakness may give the Democrats the 'security blanket' back and the ability to suck our money and freedoms away.


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