Monday, October 25, 2004

Eight Days of Hell

Certain youthful idiots shoot off their mouths, and my 36 year old Soprano friend does not want to speak with me for the next eight days until its over just because these she is friends with these youthful idiots. However if this is going to stop me from speaking out you better think again. I may have to risk my friendship with the Soprano friend. The best thing I can do now is vote early, and get out of the way. So I have to say thanks to the Soprano and her youthful idiot friends for motivating me to do this.

However Neal Boortz is not optimistic about what could happen after eight days. Now read this from the Talkmaster.

And the polls are still showing this election as a dead heat. At this point I still think that the race will go to Kerry.

Two reasons. First, the intensity of the white-hot hatred for George Bush coming from Kerry supporters and the left is something to behold. Facts mean nothing to them. They believe that Bush stole the election.

Let me cut in: They never got over it and Al Gore is still a bitter an angry man. What matters is that the Dems get back into power. I tell you they remind of Linus from Peanuts. They don't have their security blanket and need back fast. You do that by

1. Electing Kerry
2. Get a majority in the House and Senate
3. Make sure that never lose power

Now they can take from those who don't have tax shelters, redistributed the money so its 'fair' and create more Government jobs so that everyone will have a job for life. Now lets get back to Boortz's remarks

Don't tell them that every single recount in Florida showed Bush to be the winner. Don't tell them that Bush lost as many as 18,000 votes when people turned around and went home in the Florida panhandle when the networks called the state for Bush an hour before the polls closed there. Never mind that all Gore had to do was to carry his own home state. And whatever you do don't try to convince them that the so-called "popular vote" has no legal meaning whatsoever in a presidential election.

They believe that Bush stole the election, and that, by God, is that.
Secondly .. this election is going to hinge on voter turnout, and the left is much better at herding people to the polls than the right.

This is due to a basic personality difference between liberals and normal people. The nature of the left is one of collectivism. The dynamics of the left is one of group dynamics. The war on individuality has been waged by the left for well over 100 years, and the success is astounding. Liberals seldom think in terms of individuality. It's "the blacks" and "the children" and "the poor," and so on. They think in terms of majority rule -- the rule of the mob -- rather than individual rights.

Cutting in again: Read the last paragraph several more times. I am understand the mind of a leftist lunatic. I can see why the left wants to do away with the Electoral College. Group Rights = The Rule of the Mob.

The common good is always foremost in their minds. People with this sort of "follow the crowd" collectivist mindset are much easier to stir to collective action, such as getting out there on November 2nd to vote, than are people who celebrate their individuality and independence.

On election day you will see unions, the bastions of group mentality, sending vans and busses around to pick up voters and take them to the polls. You won't see that many right-leaning organizations rounding up voters in this manner. When Democrats yell "stampede!" liberals start running mindlessly. Conservatives and (especially) libertarians start looking around trying to figure out where the noise is coming from.

When it comes to getting out the vote ... the left has the edge. If conservatives were as good at spurring their followers to action this election wouldn't even be close.

When will we adopt the same tactics that left has used for years? Maybe we should start throwing pies at leftist Janeane Garofalo the next time she wants to speak to a group Youthful Idiots, older Useful Idiots, and their professors at some place of higher learning. That would be some payback for what was done to Ann Coulter last week.

Eight more days, eight more days, eight more days.

I hate to tell you this but you better prepare for a Kerry administration.


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