United Nations-Good. America-Bad
Syndcated radio talk show host Neal Boortz has some great things to say regarding who you fight under and were John Kerry really stands regarding global terror and wars. THIS IS A MUST READ!!!
My God, folks. What has to happen here? Do you have to be hit over the head by an anvil? Do you have to be slapped across the face with a shovel?
Have you heard the latest from The Poodle? John Kerry has a 20-year record in the United States Senate, along with two decades of public statements to go with it, but so far the press has given him a complete pass on his comments regarding the use of American armed forces outside our borders.
The media continues to toe the Democratic company line that The Poodle went to Vietnam, got a few medals, and that means that he's fully qualified to be the Commander in Chief. That liberal record in the Senate and his history of public statements are just small footnotes.
The Washington Post ran a story yesterday about John Kerry's approach to foreign policy. Here's one paragraph from that article:
"Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support. In 1994, discussing the possibility of U.S. troops being killed in Bosnia, he said, 'If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no.' "
Read it again, folks. Then read it again after that. This isn't some ancient yammering from Kerry back in the 1970's. This is contemporary Kerry. This is Kerry after having served a decade in the Senate. This is Kerry saying that it OK for Americans to die fighting for a cause ratified by the United Nations, but not OK for American soldiers to sacrifice their lives just fighting for the United States ... fighting for their country. America is not worth dying for. Dying for the United Nations is.
This is a virtual repeat of Kerry's statement in the 1970's that it was his belief that U.S. troops should only be deployed outside of the United States with the permission of the United Nations. Oh, to be sure ... he's tried to back off from that statement during this presidential campaign, but I have this nasty tendency to believe what people tell me when they're not running for office, rather then when they're fishing for my vote. Now we see that Kerry reiterated his feelings just ten years ago!
Put these statements together with some other favorites .. the famous "global test" line for instance. Can it be any more clear? Kerry is, as I have been warning for six months, soft on sovereignty. Kerry, as president, would feel compelled to play a grandiose game of international "Mommy May I?" before he takes steps to protect this country and its citizens. Oh ... and don't forget that Kerry feels that terrorism was just a mere nuisance prior to September 11th.
Tell that to the families of the Marines who died in the Khobar towers, the families of sailors killed on the USS Cole, and the families of those who died in the first attack on the World Trade Towers.
And did you hear Kerry yesterday? He was addressing the question of whether or not he would have removed Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. He says he would have, but only if he had been able to develop the appropriate international coalition.
That means France and Germany. Well, there was no way in hell France and Germany were going to participate in dethroning their Sugar Daddy ... so that means that if it had been Kerry's call, Saddam Hussein would still be running the show in Iraq today. But wait! There's more! Please remember that Kerry also voted against removing Saddam from Kuwait!
The reality is that if the great and wonderful John Kerry had been making the decisions Saddam would today be ruling over both Iraq and Kuwait .. and God only knows what else.
What does it take to make you Democrats understand? What does it take to make those of you with those Kerry / Edwards bumper stickers and yard signs understand the danger that this man presents to our country?
Do you really believe that the American Commander in Chief should seek some sort of global permission, or the blessings of the United Nations before he can act in the defense of our homeland and our neighbors? Do you really believe that it OK for Americans to die in battle, just so long as they're fighting under the flag of the United Nations?
You hate Bush? You hate his swagger? You despise his smirk! You think he stole the election? Fine! Is that hatred strong enough for you to jeopardize the safety of our country just to wipe that silly grin off his face? Is that burning hatred so strong that you can sit back and say "well at least Bush isn't the president" after the next terrorist attack on our homeland?
Look at this man! I used to think that he was just an empty political vessel. Not so. John Kerry is a dangerous politician bent on granting to the majority of Europeans that which they desire so strongly, a weakened United States. He denigrated our servicemen and women when he returned from Vietnam, and he dishonors them and all that they stand for now by saying that while it is OK for them to die for the United Nations, their lives should not be put on the line for their own country. This is a man who truly believes that the United States is little more than a member "state" of the great and exalted UN.
This country's salvation may lie in you having one quick pang of consciousness when you walk into that voting booth on November 2nd. When you stand there ready to cast your vote you'll have the spirit of international Islamic terrorism on one shoulder trying to guide your hand toward a vote for John Kerry. On the other shoulder will be the ghosts of the Khobar Towers, the USS Cole and of 9/11 urging you to set your petty hatreds aside and vote for the only man who you truly know will take the fight to the Islamic terrorists ... regardless of whether or not Kofi Annan approves.
Generations of Americans are depending on you to do the right thing.
Taken from Neal's Nuze October 21, 2004
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