Monday, October 11, 2004

What People think about You

Today I ran into someone who I went to school with while taking my father to a doctors appointment. When I got to know her we did not like each other that much. Eventually we had respect for each other by the time we got to high school.

We had a nice talk and she is now married and is a step mom.

Their are people I still run into that get the impression of me of someone that should be avoid like the plague.

I still run into people who think I should go to hell. However if anyone deserves to go to HELL it is THEM!!! It is really their loss and not mine. However anyone that acquires an open mind can be redeemed in my book. It really takes an open mind to understand yours truly.

Who Died and Made Me God???

I could say the same thing about you, and as far as this blog is concerned I AM KING OF THE WORLD!!!!

Eat your heart out DeCRAPio!!!! :)


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