Thanksgiving News & Commentary
Yep It never ends does it???? The News that is
Happy Thanksgiving people and thank you for supporting my Blog.
Petition: Get ACLU off taxpayer dole. How??? Change the establashment clause.
Chat rooms targeted in hunt for terrorists
Iran's nukes 'not the only target'
Is Declaration of Independence unconstitutional? Hope Not!!! Be maybe its time to pull our kids out of the Goverment Schools.
Before their was Matt Drudge and bloggers their was Paul Harvey. Harvey gives a thumbs up to a book written by World Net Daily's Joseph Farah.
Mom of martyr: 'Sacrifice more of my children'
A million Christians sign EU religion plea
Stores Court Shoppers on Thanksgiving Day
Daniel Pipes has a MUST READ concerning Islam in the Goverment Schools
Jim Nelson Black talks about the decline of higher learning and encorages parents to sue these places of such
Thomas Sowell talks about how tax cuts can equal tax revenues and can reduce the deficit MUST READ!!!
Bruce Bartlett says its time to streamline the economists. The ones in Goverment that is. Another MUST READ!!!
Mary Katharine Ham talks about the leftys disstored view of tolerance
Larry Elder talks about the dreaded race card the leftys love to play. Good Read
George Will has a thanksgiving piece. We should be thankful to those that came before us
Ann Coulter has a MUST READ concerning the GOP. Man they are such WIMPS!!!
William Rusher talks about the UN's history and its ties communism and the corruption from within
Hal Lindsey talks about Iran and The Shehab deception
Never mind the Housewives, here come the Desperate Republicans. Today's token lefty piece from The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel
Rich Tucker talks about the Xmas rush
Holiday Lyric Line
Speaking of Xmas rush, starting today and untill Christmas Day I will highlight a lyric line from the many songs out their that you can only hear during this time of the year.
It’s coming on christmas. They’re cutting down trees. They’re putting up reindeer, and singing songs of joy and peace. Oh I wish I had a riverI could skate away on
River-Performed by Joni Mitchell
Got a news scoop or a commentary piece left or right you would like to see on the web??? Please e-mail me your news and commentary links.
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