Monday, November 22, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Israelis Encourage Palestinian Elections

Bush Touts U.S.-Backed Anti-Drug Efforts

It seems that many of you find this newsworthy this weekend. Ron Artest is not playing basketball for the rest of the season and then some.

Iraq Sets Election Date; Cleric Killed

Iran Suspends Uranium Enrichment

TV campaign urging: Kick U.N. out of U.S. That does not mean that the U.S. gets out of the UN

U.N. employees: No confidence in Annan Workers express discontent with 'upper management'

Tax-snooping bill called Istook's mistook. Oklahoma senator says privacy was never endangered

Commies, Socialists, Reds, many of them Arafat and many of the above people live here in the United States


Joseph Farah says that if the Pentagon can fights the ACLU. They likely would have won. However it gives in to their demands. Farah condemes the Pentagon and calls the ACLU the American Taliban

Jeff Jacoby has a great piece about HATE. He says that not only a good thing to hate but its a must in certain cases.

Is public schools a cure for child abuse? Vox Day says no way

Barbara Simpson takes Bush to task for letting Mexico suck on U.S. taxpayers

Could the U.S. be headed towards never ending conflicts??? Pat Buchanan has this and more

Nat Hentoff commends O'Neal and the Swiftvets for their public service and also shows that O'Neal is a Dem and did not have kind words for Bush

Doug Powers nails white liberals and Dems for their dislike and contempt of minorties. Oh and Bill Clinton is just another white guy and not the first "Black" President

Meanwhile Helen Thomas says that Rice will send a negatitve message to the rest of the world.

Jason Riley says to ignore the anti-immigrant right just as Bush did. Let is hope that the GOP comes out on top when its all said and done.

John Fund says its best when we to bring intellectual diversity to higher learning

The Wall Street Journal has piece urging the Gay Community to trust democracy and not the courts. They make some very good points


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