Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Senate Prepares for Intelligence Bill

Ukraine's Parliament OKs Electoral Reforms

Plot to assassinate candidate confirmed

Israel, Palestinians Reach Election Plan

Body Struggles When Sleeping Time Changes

Document Shows Further U.S. Abuse of Iraq Prisoners

Memo: Workers Threatened Over Prison Abuse

Do computers make kids dumb??? A study thinks so

Air Force Academy Blamed for Sex Scandal

U.S. defends 'global warming' strategy

U.S. will return to Kyoto Protocol, says France. Yes the French are a bunch of wimps and would love to see the U.S. fall. They can hope that Envior public policy will make their dream come true.

Could Islam endanger the Euros lifestyle??? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!!

Religious jokes 'won't be crime' in the U.K.


College costs going up. Quality of those Colleges going down. Walter Williams tells all.

Rich Lowry says the AARP are a bunch of Greedy wrinkled old bags

Americans in NAME ONLY. Michelle Malkin talks about one of THOSE PEOPLE!!!

The old media wants protection BIG TIME!!! Jonah Goldberg tells how snobery they get.

Brent Bozell says the media is back to its old ways since the Dems are not in control and does not tell us that a few angry 9/11 wifes were John Kerry Supporters

Kweisi Mfume reaches out to the Republicans gets the boot from the NAACP. Armstrong Williams speak his peace.

Pat Buchanan reminds that the UN is still the problem and not the person who heads it MUST READ!!!!

Joseph Farah cries fowl on judical activism in Arizona

Daniel Pipes talks about his day court

Now a lefty piece by Robert Scheer and he talks about the REAL WMD threat.

Paul Greenberg talks about the holiday which does not have "one present" but "Eight Crazy Nights." Its a Serious Read however

Holiday Lyric Line

Put on your yarmulke
Here comes Chanukah
So much funukah To celebrate Chanukah
Chanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

Yep its Adam Sandler's ever famous Chanukah Song

Oh and don't forget...

It's not pronounced Ch-nakah
The C is silent in Chanukah
So get your hooked on phonica...Have a happy happy happy happy Chanukah!

If you got any serious Chanukah songs out their I would love to highlight their lyrics lines. Please offer a english translation if you do anything in Hebrew and I will accept literal translations i.e. "the translation does not rhyme." Plus I am taking in Xmas lyric lines, and News and commentary links all year around.

Sock it all to me by E-mail


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