Morning News & Commentary
Quake, Tsunami Death Toll Over 63,000
Asia killer tops 26,000 death toll of Bam shaker also on Dec. 26
Quake, roaring sea, ... now pestilences
Deadly Tsunamis Rival Waves of the Past
U.S. Boosts Quake Relief to $35 Million
Almost 4,100 listed as missing in Thailand
Expats count cost as dream homes are washed away by tsunamis
Disaster mystery: No dead animals
University experts just 28 minutes off time of event
Media link tsunami to 'global warming'
Mahmoud Abbas Pledges to Follow Arafat Policies
Army surgeon: U.S. knew Mosul attack suicide
Muslims kill imam who prayed for peace
Yushchenko Backers Block Building
New York & Cally lost $100 Million to the Dems
Brent Bozell shows the hypocrisy of journalist Bill Moyers, and his support of left wing causes
Jonah Goldberg puts the UN in their place even in a time of crisis
Joseph Farah says the UN is unqualified when it comes to humantarian aid, and we are forgeting the UN past sins. MUST READ!!!!
Melanie Morgan on new scheme to soak taxpayers and the UN is in play here
Claudia Rosett says the UN resembles the dictatorships that pack its ranks
Walter Williams talks about the attack on "Western Values."
Linda Chavez reminds us that "Islamofascism is the personification of evil," and that it can't be reasoned with. MUST READ!!! At the same time America does not let the ObL and Zarqawis define Muslims as a whole.
Tony Blankely says that America was passed the gut check test
Remember when Arafat had the Olso accords??? Joel Mowbrary warns it may happen again.
Terence Jeffrey talks about the Democratic Party and Federal Judges
Michelle Malkin has her year end piece
Burt Prelutsky reviews the movie "Sideways"
Hugh Hewitt shows why the old media can not be trusted
Daniel Pipes says "In time of war, governments should engage in 'threat profiling"
Pat Buchanan warns of a possible NEW cold war with Russia
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