Monday, December 27, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Tsunami waves kill over 20,900 in Asia

Warnings might have reduced tsunami toll

UN Warns of Possible Epidemics in Quake-Hit Asia

Dozens of European tourists dead or missing in Asian disaster

Suicide bomber kills 15 people in Iraq

Iraqi Shi'ite Leader Escapes Bomb; 13 Die

Israel Releases 159 Palestinian Prisoners

During surprise Christmas Eve trip to Iraq, Rummy contradicts official story regarding United Airlines Flight 93

Euro rises to new record against dollar

China reiterates it will maintain basic stability of yuan


Joseph Farah shows how two faced Madeleine Albright is. She recently denounced Bush on foreign soil...ARAB SOIL...MUST READ!!!

David Horowitz talks about the George McGovern syndrome and reminds us that surrendering does not achive peace, but rather allows the victors to kill their rivals. Horowitz knows a lot about the anti-war left. He was once a part of it. MUST READ!!!

In the past the Dems were speading democracy around the world. Today's its W Bush. Jeff Jacoby has this and more.

Mike S. Adams considers the abolshment of tenure at our places of higher learning

Robert Novak talks about how certain U.S. leader cuddle Kofi Annan

Barbara Simpson shows the intolerance in the 'tolerance' crowd during the Holiday Season...MUST READ Christmas could be BANNED in a few years later if we are lucky

John Fund talks the the First Ukraine and says that she understand what freedom is about.

Vox Day talks about creating Hell from Earth. Day is a libertarain that speaks from a Christian world view.

Ellen Ratner talks about how Bush and the 'elite swine' are giving away jobs. Its a token lefty piece.

Bonus token lefty piece: Hellen Thomas talks about the Social Securty issue

Got any news pieces and/or commentaries that are not featured here on the blog. E-Mail those links to me and I am always looking for good "token lefty pieces." Please send direct links to pieces and not a main webpage.


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