Monday, January 03, 2005

Commentary Pieces of the Day

As I said I will focus on commentary pieces.

I usally post pieces that I think are good and deliver their point and/or regular commentators that I usally like to post.

Anything I mark MUST READ mean excalty that...Its something your should read because of the importance of the message.

Also if their is any news story that is of great importance and if it is being overlooked I shall post it.

Also when I find good piece from the leftys (i.e. Liberals, REgressives whatever) I shall post it on the blog as well.

I will start by putting Bob Parks audio commentary as he talks about the recent tragety and how the UN and the rest of the leftys are reacting to this. Parks puts these jerks in their place. Mp3 software required...Windows Media will work.

Gunny Bob Newman offers his insights on Milltary Science in this piece.

Doug Patton says that America should cut off the UN. Yea were are indeed stingy...NOT!!!

Robert Spencer questions if women are treat well in the religion of Islam

The media has to bash Bush even at such a time like this. John Podhoretz reminds us of what really matters

In the land down under they sure like to blame us for the Tsunami. This from Gerard Baker

Suzanne Fields shows us that their were a few Republican converts this year. Small but they have turned from the "dark side" of the force :) Fields have some good things to say about this, so I say its a MUST READ!!!

If their is a commentary piece you think should be featured on the blog. Please E-mail it to me.


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