Bunny Heads, Lesbians, Oh My
Our new education secretary Margaret Spelling denounced an episode of the PBS Kids show "Postcards from Buster" in which the cartoon Buster meets up with real live people and travels coast to coast with his father who is a pilot. The show in question is when Buster meets a child living with two lesbian mothers. They don't talk about the lifestyle of the mothers but the pictures make a statement loud and clear to us "grown-up's."
While some PBS affliates may back peddle, others will air this episode. My local PBS affiliate will air the show tonight during the late night hour so if you want your kids to watch this you better tape it.
"Postcards from Buster," is a spin off from the popular TV and Book series Arthur. In that show all the characters have some kind of animal head, but see each other as human beings. Even famous people that made appearances on the show from Backstreet Boys to the late Fred Rogers were given animal heads. The title character by the way has an aardvark head, while his friend Buster has a rabbit head.
The spin off works the same way for the animated characters having animal heads but for the live action scenes we do see normal humans in day to day life.
I explain these shows enough so let make my points regarding that one that making people touchy.
PBS being the "educational" network that it is can comply with no problem with the 3 hour "educate the kids" rule that all TV stations must for fill every week, so Spelling saying that this show is "not educational" is a straw man argument...Sorry I forgot straw WOMEN. PBS goes and above and beyond the call when it comes to educating the kids.
I don't have a problem with lesbians raising children. I do have a problem with PBS (NPR on the radio side) and its use of tax money period. Why is it that we need a government subsidized radio and television stations. Oh it is about EDUCATION right?
I don't really think so. Since the rest of the world has some kind of government run TV and radio networks, we just get something that gets money from the government. A public/private partnership of some kind right??? We hide behind the word education, we say were about education, and that will justify our existence and access to the taxpayers. We still need to beg for more money so we shall have "membership drives."
You complain about a left wing bias on PBS and NPR? What do you expect for leftys? Leftys have and always will enjoy spending "OTHER PEOPLES money.
We must not give up the fight to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. It has nothing to do with liberalism and homosexuality. It has all to do with principle and what the intent our founders of the country wanted.
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