Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Hollywood Bananas Over Bush Billboards, and may they are thanking the lefty clebs for four more years of Bush

A CU Professor hopfuly will get fired over his statements regarding 9/11 victims and comparing them to Nazi Adof Eichmann

Survey Finds First Amendment Is Being Left Behind in U.S. High Schools...MUST READ, cause the amendment might be an danger bit time

Gorbachev Calls Iraqi Elections “Fake.” What do expect from a communist which he was and allways will be

Victory and Defeat. Thomas Sowell says the those on the side of Defeat regarding the Iraq Election have been defeated...Hope we can still prove them wrong.

Cal Thomas also has his two cents on the Iraq Election. Says it offers hope for freedom

We The People...of Iraq. Jack Kemp has his two cents as well.

Scott Hodge says the spending is creating deficts NOT TAX CUTS!!!

Could same-sex marriage save this country some money??? Gay & Lesbian columm writer and activist Deb Price says it can. Intresting Read

Deb Price was not really good this time to be tagged Token Lefty Piece. I am not a social conservtitve allthough I am not ready to accept same-sex marriage just yet. However Robert Scheer makes the cut. He says the United States must get out of Iraq's way

E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yoo. informative post ))

10:01 AM


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