Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
PA TV: Goal is Israel's destruction
30 Years later, a woman comes forward claiming that Bill Cosby sexual assaulted her. This is more sick than Anita Hill pulling off her little stunt with Judge Thomas. Hey, Hey, Hey is all I have to say about this one.
A founder of this country says that charty is no part of the legislative duty of government. A Virginia Rep condemned a relief measure for fire victims, and a President veto's a bill that would assist drought victims in Texas...Oh My!!! Yep these things were said and done in the past history of America. Walter Williams talks about this and how things changed in America these days.
Michelle Malkin side with our troops rather than a journalist who says that his people were threatned by our (and their) troops.
Is Brent Bozell worried about Howard Dean taking over the DNC??? If that is the case Brent, relax it might be a good thing.
Joseph Farah talks about certain Democrats and their appeasment ways when it comes to Iran. Nothing new people, and appeasment always fails.
Politically Correct law enforcement and all awhile ignoring evidence that Muslim extremists get away with Murder...LITERALY!!! Daniel Pipes explains
Here is a good ideal. Get the feds out of the passenger train business.
John Podhoretz says that saving Social Securty does not equal a return to power for the Dems
Mark Steyn says the Euro Media and left the general is downplaying the Iraq elections
Someday Private Accounts will happen or so says Dick Morris
Jack Lessenberry says we America must LOSE THE WAR in Iraq. Uses a book by Gwynne Dyer to back up his statement. It is my token lefty piece.
Bonus Left Piece: Derrick Z. Jackson on Amtrak
If their is a piece you want to see on the blog. E-Mail me the link. If I like it (Left or Right) I shall put up the link on the blog.
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