Friday, March 11, 2005

CS overtakes Fred Phelps Clan

Today the Fred Phelps clan from Westboro Baptist Church made their protest at Palmer High School in Colorado Springs. However those on the other side were ready.

They came early and but 7:30 AM those protesting Phelps and his clan had more supporters and won based on the number of those who turned out.

Normally I would not stand with most of these people. I am someone that believes in limited government; support the free market and the ideal of free enterprise. Most of these people are Democrats, and likely supporters of big government and believe that the government is the arm of social justice. However I am not social conservative and don't have a problem with homosexuals. I just don't believe in same sex marriage or our government special rights for gays (or anybody else).

However anyone that has done research on Phelps and the Westboro Church can see that he and his clan are nothing more but a bunch of idiots. It seems that their "God Hates Fags" cause is the only thing that they preach.

What you don't know however is that Phelps is dammed people like James Dobson and Focus on the Family (They did protest by their headquarters a few years), and also says that people like Ronald Reagan are in "Hell." They really truly believe that Reagan is burning in hell. Jerry Falwell famous for his Moral Majority back in the 1980's and has recently revived it calls Phelps a nut. In fact most churches left and right are denouncing his man

I don't really like to use the word homophobe, and I don't use the word loosely, but if your Phelps or his followers, or even someone that supports what he does, then I can truly call you a homophobe.

Check out the Wesboro Bapitst Church website (and their releated websites) to find out what an idiot Phelps is.

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I would rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too
Highway to Hell--AC/DC

P.S. Fred Phelps was nowhere to be found in CS today.


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