Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Read this piece from the LA Times, and if your giving them your hard earned might want to stop doing that. This story puts North Korea in a postitve light. Something that the country does not deserve. Just as long if the commies are killing their own people.,1,567032.story?ctrack=2&cset=true
Syndcated Radio Talk Show host/Blog Promoter Hugh Hewitt is on this BIG TIME!!!! If these first two links don't prove how leftys love commies then nothing will
New Book Spotlights White House Press Corps Incidents
Righty turn Lefty David Brock is caught taking from the George Soros cookie jar.\SpecialReports\archive\200503\SPE20050303a.html
FOX News Up CNN Down
Lefty will bash gays if it forwards their agenda, and Ann Coulter explains
To the UN: Just Bring It. Here is a piece by Joel Mowbray
How long will it take until we the taxpayers no longer fund the damm Public Brodcast Service??? Who knows but George Will says that the time to pull the plug on PBS (and NPR allthough Will does not talk about them in this piece) is now.
Larry Elder tips his hat to Jamie Foxx who won the Best Actor Oscar for his protryal of Ray Charles in the movie made about "Ray." Foxx and Elder reminds all of us to be Persistent in achiving what we want to do with are lives
Craige McMillan talks about The emperors' black robes. Now that is good one. Just as good as Mark Levin's MIB's
Leah Farish says that International consensus rules us
Joseph Farah has a piece about what is going on in the Great White North.
Liberals = Socialists. You can't say it enough. Nathan Tabor makes it simple and this is a MUST READ for those who just don't get the ideal.
Republicans Vote Down Military Exemption to Bankruptcy Bill, Add Loopholes for Rich.
Molly Ivins is mad as hell, and she is the token lefty tonight
Bonus Lefty Piece: This from the darling of Hollywood Arianna Huffington. She talks about Andy Stern and how he might challange the Labor Movement and the Dems
Bring me your pieces. Either Pro-Free Market or Pro-Socialist. If I like them, I will link them here On "The Blog According to Don."
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