Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
I'll shall start off with this weeks audio commentary from Bob Parks. He takes on the Dems for wanting to allow convected fellons to vote. Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have bought up the "Count Every Vote" act and allow fellons to vote must have slipped in.
So long Dan, Thomas Sowell is NOT going to miss you...and neither will I
Cliff Kincaid talks about how George Soros could use his money to fund public broadcasting, and even the WWE's Vince McMahon sees the good thing happening in Iraq. Remember that he and his outfit WWE did present wrestling shows to our troops during the holidays.
The only reality shows I like are Amazing Race and The Apprentice. I also like shows in which people are caught acting like jerks on home video (AFV however is TOO tame for me). Cheryl Felicia Rhoads points out who really started modern day reality TV and its not the four major broadcast networks. Hint: Read Kincaid's piece above to find out who it is.
ER will be on NBC at least until 2008.
What is wrong with Private Accounts, Jacko in his PJ's, and Hillary 'Rita Repulsa' Clinton. Neal Boortz hits on Power Rangers with Hillary but rather takes on the title of show rather than the villanness. Plus Nuze on SS and Jako.
Speaking of Jacko. Rebecca Hagelin has a few words about him but deals with more important. Internet Safety. MUST READ for parent of young children
Do we need some new commandments. Maybe when it comes to human cloning. Charles Krauthammer talks about the issue.
Ward Churchill is not getting the money just yet. Mike Rosen shows how lefty love to use the tag "new McCarthyism" to protect losers like Churchill,1299,DRMN_86_3612009,00.html
Several token lefty pieces: First Robert Byrd contuines to defend the fillbusters in the Senate and uses Ronald Reagan to make his case.
Got to share a piece from Norm C. Who all the young lefty idiots look up to.
David Corn says Dan Rather was also Bush accountable.
Bill Press will miss Dan Rather too
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