Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Guess who is behind borking John Bolton...George Soros just because he wants someone that will bow to the UN

The Donald (no realtion and his last name is Trump) is still giving Dan Rather the birdy

Did Pope John Paul II promote socialism??? Star Parker looks into this.

Are the Judges above criticism??? Thomas Sowell talks about it and makes some good points.

Ownership: An unalienable right??? Sounds like a MUST READ from Herman Cain

Robert Novak talks about Gray Lady's attempt to bork Delay

Suzanne Fields talks Jane Fonda's audiobio

The liberals war on Wal-Mart. OK smarty pants, how bout challanging Wal-Mart and then some when local governments enact Eminent Domain to take property from people and replace them with Wal-Mart's in hope for more tax money??? Nahhh you liberals are so worried about "unions." Bill Murchison talks about this, and don't forget people. The unions demands are costly and are passed on to YOU and ME. Even Safeway and Kroger in Colorado are not able to give the unions what they want.

The next time you hear "bad news" out of Iraq. Keep telling yourself that the old media is just an extendtion of the Democratic Party. David Limbaugh talks about it and the "Good News."

Are Oil companies to blame for the high prices??? Brian Simpson says no way and shows you and me who is REALLY to blame...Enivormentalists and their environmental regulations

Bryon York has new book out about the leftys and their attempts to gain power in goverment. Taken from this book he explans why Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 failed to rid us of Bush

Another study about college professors and their liberal bias. Cathy Young talks about it.

Joseph Farah jumps on board regarding the Fair Tax

Greg Beato says we are ignore the real revoulation in Education...Homeschooling

Craig R. Smith gives us five steps to create wealth without gambling...Good Read

Token Lefty is Ellen Goodman: This piece I somewhat agree with. It talks about Pharmacists refusing to dispense birth control drugs. I speak for myself here...If the pharmacist owns the store and does not want anything to do with promoting it that is fine with me and the government should not interfear. However if he/she is working for someone that believes in birth control than that's another matter.

E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


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