Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Several pieces regarding Pope John Paul II and the fall of the "Evil Empire"

Pat Buchanan

Lee Edwards

Jack Kemp

Cal Thomas

Matt Towery adds his two cents regarding the Pope. Says nothing about the cold war.

Looks like Gore's TV Network is going to become a reality. The left is taking back the media...YES!!! Man your guys get so angry when you can't have a monopoly on the media and that is what the media wants.

Rudy is not going to run for Prez...Should make Hillary breath easier, meanwhile for the rest of US...Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid.

At least Rudy denounes the Phony Indian from Boulder

Star Parker calls the open the marketplace when it comes to education. The Teacher's Union stands in the way as allways but the students contuine to suffer.

Joseph Sobran said "Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's money --- only for wanting to keep your own money." Well Thomas Sowell seconds that and here is a piece from Sowell about that. MUST READ!!!

Remember the Hamburglar??? No I am not talking about that guy that hangs with Ronald. I am talking about the person that hung around with Bill Clinton. His real name is Sandy Burger. Sadly this Hamburglar got slapped on the wrist rather than throwen into a prison cell. David Limbaugh says this is dangerous. MUST READ!!!

Joseph Farah also adds his two cents about the Hamburglar

Trying to make a case for Social Securty reform. Not easy to do as Bruce Bartlett explains.

Mark Alexander talks about the so-called "Gun Problem" and how leftys use that crub our rights when jerks use guns to do bad things.

Mike Adams asks you to give some of your hard earned money to Townhall.com. I link a lot of pieces from Townhall.com myself, and I need people like Adams to keep the Higher Learning Elite on the run.

America Bashing in the Land Down Under. Gunny Bob Newman talks about that when he was on a Australian news dissussion program.

Bob Parks talks about several things including Hillary and the CAIR

Bob Parks also talks about the minutemen in his audio commentary from last week. MP3 Software required

Ellen Goodman is my token lefty piece and this one makes good sence for us all now that Terri has passed on.

E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


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