Monday, April 25, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Some people worry about stupid things like the BC or AD

Broadcasting "Fairness Doctrine" Preposterous . . . and Twenty Years Too Late by Kaye Grogan MUST READ

Did you know that the media age of people who watch the Early Evening News on ABC, CBS, or NBC is around 60 years of age??? George Will shows the youth are rejecting old journalism and that’s a good thing.

"The Interpreter" is this number one movie at the box office. Cliff Kincaid warns that movie is nothing but a Pro-United Nations movie and the UN hopes it will change people's minds about them. By the way, the UN did accually allow the film crew to shoot the movie in and around their headquaters in NYC.

Michael Ackley talks about goverment funded preschool and warns that Rob "Meat Head" Reiner wants to have to governship of Cally. Meat Head would be far worse than teh Terminator.

Electromagnetic Pulse attack. If you watched FOX's 24 such an attack took place in this years storyline. Joseph Farah warns that such an attack can happen big time here in the real world and the United States

Vox Day lists the goals of Karl Marx in his ever famous communist manefesto and says their are no Republicans in America.

John Fund says Hillary has a very bad ideal. Not good when it comes to elections

Mark Steyn talks about the "GOP Monkeys" dancing for the Democrat Organ grinders. Bad news for John Bolton.

When Ward Churchill speaks they come, but David Horowitz well that another thing. The later explains

Jack Kemp does not agree with the New York Times, expect for this issue

The token lefty tonight is Ellen Goodman. Someone is wishing for Hillary to be in the oval office

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