Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
No I am not going to link stories about Paris and Nicole's realtionship issues nor Jennifer Gardner and Ben Alfleck wanting to tie the knot. Hope the later lasts. This would be Jen's second marriage. Their are a lot of readings tonight that are far more important than these high profile relationships.
Roger and Albert are Ready To Get it On in the MEDIA WARS...Cue the Star Wars Theme.
Black Activists Criticize NAACP for Filibuster Flip-Flop
Corruption in the Public Schools: The Market Is the Answer. Great piece from Neal McCluskey at Cato. However the Teachers Unions only care about themselves and ONLY THEMSELVES!!!!
Pies, Lies and Videotape. Ann Coulter has been there and done that. Unlike everyone else I support that Vet who spat upon Jane Fonda. It's about time that we rightys please just as dirty as the leftys do.
Here is that story regarding the Vet and Hanoi Jane. This was in Kansas City
Muslim mythology thrives on PC college campuses...sadly. Joel Mowbray has a MUST READ!!!
Emmett Tyrrell has his two cents regarding John Bolton going to UN if our goverment allows it.
Joseph Farah gives us reasons why Newt Gingrich should not return to the beltway
Every hard about working harder??? Here is a piece from Larry Elder and why the Asians stand out when it comes to the minority groups
Does Hillary care about the wage-gap??? Ned Rice demands that she prove it, but I diegress Hillary is die hard socialist
Dick Morris who wrote a counter-book regarding Hillary Clinton's Living History (his book is called Rewriting History) gives us rightys something to think about regarding the fillbuster...It might not be such a bad ideal. If the GOP does change the rules it could bit them in the back later on.
Debra Sanders thinks that the Constitutional/Nuke Option could be "marketed better."
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert says that the Dems are biggest stonewall when it comes to cheep gas prices.
Brent Bozell talks about the media's coverage of Tom DeLay
The three political parties of Congress by Marvin Olasky. Its about welfare and NOT the three ring/branchs of our goverment
Larry Kudlow talks about the fighting between Japan and China and how that spells trouble for America. MUST READ
Token Lefty Tonight is Jim Spencer who calls guns evil and would ban them to make the world safe,1413,36~27772~2825605,00.html
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