Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

'Winners in Life's Lottery' or 'getting rich off the backs of the poor.' Time for another lesson about the free market from Walter Williams in which he debunks the above statements

You may have heard about a new book titled "South Park Conservatives." Yes it is connected to the show South Park. Michelle Malkin says she is not a SPC and does not like the show at all.

You have heard the term (and song and music video) "Video Killed the Radio Star." Well some think that the "Bloggers Killed the Newspaper Star." Jonah Goldberg says the newspaper were declining long before we heard of the internet.

Robert Pozen offers a win win regarding Social Securty reform

Terence Jeffrey talks about "Discretionary, mandatory and unconstitutional spending."

After reading this piece from Joseph Farah you may want to Yahoo! in the future rather than Google.

Brian Maloney says that Conservative talk radio is not ailing...Yet and offers some remendies to prevent it from happening

Is the IRS and John Kerry going after a war Vet. Edward Snook looks into this

Daniel Pipes says the White House is whitewashing when it come to Hamas. Bush should really take this piece into account. I doubt it will happen

Has Burt Prelutsky become a dictator??? Read for yourself

Whose Constitution Wins? I am going into "token lefty terrtory" with the level headed left of center Nat Hentoff,hentoff,63572,6.html

Other Token Leftys

Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) has an open letter to Dems Leader Howard Dean

William Hoynes talks about the real challenges for PBS

William Edelen offers some words of wisdom from Jesus. If this was just about abortion I would not post this piece as one of the token leftys. I will not speak for Jesus Christ but I DO SUPPORT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE!!! However when it comes to ANWR I am in totaly disagreement with Edelen. Let the drilling in Alaska began.

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