Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Be sure to read my piece on the Senate compromise following my readings.

Cal Thomas has his take on the Senate compromise

Mychal Massie shows us why the Dems must block judges that don't think like them. HINT: They are losing grip on the minds of many Americans.

The Feb. 2 issue of Newsweek's Japan Edition show our "Grand Ole Flag" in a garbage can. Joseph Farah says Newsweek's attempt to put one over the Americans failed, and encorages that subcribers to Newsweek cancel and chuck the rage

Why the Dems must keep the 'victim' card in place. If the black votes goes below 70% then the Dems hope of getting their Securty Blanket dims. Thomas Sowell has more

David Limbaugh has a MUST READ regarding were the leftys get ideals regarding judicial activism.

Never mind Mean Mr. Mustard (A song from the Beatles Abby Road Medley), how about Mean Mr. Dean??? Bill Murchison shares his thoughts

Rich Lowry likes to call Dean "Howard the Horrible."

If we must keep this Social Securty programing going then how about raising the age??? Bruce Bartlett talks about it.

Dan Rather still defends Mary Mapes who produced a piece intend for Bush's downfall. Rather you lost the anchor chair and 60 Minutes Wed. is getting the shaft. Please crawll into a hold and rot away please. Yes I have no kind words for Rather. MRC has your number again Rather.

Jack Kemp warns that the Treasury is risking a global currency war

Brendan Miniter says it time for Bush to veto some bills

Muslims converting young girls to their religion. This writer of this link below knows it all too well. It a long read but worth some of your time.

Tonights token lefty is Ellen Goodman. Talks about a rainbow coalition of ideologically monochromatic people, and share her concerns over Owen and Brown

Bonus Lefty: John Nichols has kind words for Bill Moyers and not as kind for Rush Limbaugh. Never mind the fact Moyers created that famous attack ad that made look like Barry Goldwater would kill that girl picking that flower.

E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


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