Eminent Domain, Karl Rove vs. Dick Durbin, and Public Broadcasting still getting lots of money from US (i.e. Taxes)
Man their were a lot of things happening this week. So much to cover.
Eminent Domain
The biggest thing that happened this week is the rulling regarding Kelo vs. City of New London. If your an advocate of private property rights...Be Afraid, Be VERY AFRAID!!!
The Fifth Amedment has now been thrown out the window.
By the way here is what it says.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Now lets look at the last lines of the amendment.
nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
What that means is that the government can't not take someones property unless it goes through the proper legal channels and their is a reasonable 'public use' for the land AND the property owners get paid the resonable amount of money. Now that goes out the window.
In the past 'public use' used to mean putting in railroads, highways, schools, transmission lines, or something government related and/or something that will benefit the public good. Through the years that has been expanded to what will bring in move revenue. More often than not if a shopping center of great big king size boxes promices to bring in the money that a local city government craves than be preprared to kiss you house goodbye if those future 'big boxes' intend to take your place. Also you many not get the money that is rightfuly owed to ya, the money you will be paid for is likely to be less than the amount that your property really does cost. Forget about NOT selling, cause the city government will use its power to take from you and give that property to those 'shady developers.'
Neal Boortz said it best; "If you own property, and the government wants that property --- you're screwed. You now own your private property only at the pleasure of government; and that means that you own your property, be it your home, your business or a piece of investment real estate only at the pleasure of the local controlling politicians."
Boortz has lots to say about this and do mean LOTS TO SAY about this.
Want to read the rulling??? click below
Karl Rove vs. Dick Durbin
When Karl Rove says something along these lines...
"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers."
The liberals just took that way too seriously and now look is offended now? The Dems in Congress are now fighting back. Nancy Pelosi says the GOP is desperate, Hillary wants to GOP to back away from Rove, and Harry Reid the much beloved Senate Minority Leader wants Rove to resign or fully apologize. Key word here is FULLY apolgize.
Have they forgotten about Dick Durbin and his remarks (and/or that faceless FBI agent) regarding how our milltary is treating terrorists and how its just like Nazi Germany and the formor Soviet Union, and how the left got disgusted when Durbin 'apolgized' but we know he did not really.
The Dems say nothing about Durbin and very likely agree with him in what he did and said. I have heard that Moveon.org made a statement after 9/11 that we go into battle with moderation or something along those lines.
Regardless of what was said by Moveon and other leftys, the old template is the rule regarding conflict. Conservatives believe in "Peace through Strength" (Meaning that Strength with our Guns, Missiles, Bombs etc) while the Left believes in Peace through Cooperation, Trust and Goodwill or has Rove puts it Peace through indictments, therapy and understanding.
The left is going to make Iraq another Vietnam sadly. Thanks to Durbin's big fat mouth the properganda news outlet in the middle east which favors the terriorists. Yes I am talking about Al Jazeera. AJ has been airing Durbin's statements over and over. Tell me who is comiting treason here? Anyway since nothing is being done on either side of the asle all I can say is Rove is fighting fire with fire. Keep it coming Rove.
When will we ever cut off federal funding for Public Broadcasting??? That and other thoughts on PBS/NPR
Well not right now, and this ideal of 'public broadcasting' is the closest thing we have to a 'state network.' In many counties that think the government needs to be involved in everything they have a government funded TV and radio service. Canada has the CBC and the United Kingdom has the BBC. I can tell with the BBC you only pay the tax/fee if you have a color television in your home should you live in the UK. Hhere in America however we pay for PBS and NPR regardless if we want to or not.
The reason why Public Broadcasting is able to save itself from being deprived of federal funds is that time and again they cry they will die if they don't get them and everytime they can hide behind the much beloved PBS Kids lineup to do because as well all know its all about education regarding our future generations.
Well public broadcasters who are on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) dole pleaded with their audiences to call their House Reps and tell them not to cut their funding. Well it be less but still enough to make the boys and girls at PBS and NPR very happy. Anyway from what I have heard the plan was a big cut THIS YEAR but much greater amount next year.
Well people; $100 million is going to fund the public broadcasting this year. Can anyone tell me how money they make from the Non-Profits, Corporation Underwriting, and voluntary contributions from the members of public broadcasting. If its MORE than $100 Million I would not be surprised. Without the later three public broadcasting would be NOTHING!!!
If we must contuine to fund this thing called public broadcasting for the time being then I agree with Kenneth Tomlinson's attempt to bring in more right wing to right of center voices. Lets bring back Firing Line even if its not hosted by William F. Buckley. Lets bring other voices then of the Bill Moyers elk. Does not mean that lefty shows have to vanish but its a call for "equal time." Remember when the left was screaming about equal time so much doing Rush Limbaugh's prime time in the early 1990's. Rush was right when he said that he "was equal time." For many years the left had a monopoly in the broadcast media regarding political thought.
Now the left screams and demands that Tomlinson move aside for his attempt to bring 'fairness' to public broadcasting. It only shows that the left wants to slant things to left and then call it fair. Reminds me alot of that "kick you and beat you line, and tell you its fair" line in Michael Jackson's hit song "Beat It."
Story regarding Tomlinson and Dems wanting to shaft him
PBS & NPR is NOT for East (& West) Coast liberals only. As long as the heartland has to fund it lets make sure we have our say and not just useful idiots of the left like the Sith of Progressive Talk Radio Ed Schultz.
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