Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
I have a few
Dems and Lynching. Mona Charen says it best, especialy the final paragraph. That final parapgraph makes this piece a MUST READ!!!
The leftys just want to give the enemy a "Time Out." David Limbaugh has thoughts on how the left wants us to treat the bad guys and has a few words about idiot Senator Dick Durbin.
Oliver North talks about Time Magazine's tell all on Guantanamo Bay and asks what the movtives are.
Man how the left is two faced. Mike Rosen talks about a left group called The Community Rights Counsel , and how they don't want a judge to speak of an enviromental group that is Pro-Free Market. Guess who funds the CRC??? Non other than that Deep Pockets lefty George Soros.,1299,DRMN_86_3861292,00.html
Ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations??? You know those One World Gov types??? Devvy Kidd is naming names regarding who is part of the CFR.
Want to learn about the man behind the attack on Guantanamo??? It appears that Michael Ratner is a commie or so says Rocco DiPippo
The Dems are all Far Leftys...just about. Great piece from the Wall Street Journal
Could William Romney be the GOP's hope in keeping the HILLdabeast from winning the oval office. Two pieces about this starting with William Rusher.
Robert Novak brings up Romeny faith in the LDS Church
Token Lefty tonight is Bill Press who calls on Gitmo to be shut down.
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