The Parting of the Ways
If your a fan of the new Doctor Who series it has nothing to do with the episode respectfuly titled, allthough this piece was inspired by it however.
Instead this will be a piece about the end of a relationship. This relationship began in 1998 and has ended last Sunday. It seems that some of us are second class just because we are...
Not Married
Have Children
One reason why I don't want anything to do with organized religion is because of the shortcomings of people and when I find myself in a church or subgroup it is nothing but a social club. Granted I have friends that attend a religous service every week just about. They talk about how God is good and how God is great, and how God blesses them and all that stuff. You get the weekly message etc etc etc. However if I wanted to hear a sermon I find the best teacher on my local Christian Talk station (that religion seems to be the only full time format in America of a religious nature).
However this God (at least the way I see it) also enjoys inflicting pain on certain chosen people. I am one of those people. Maybe the God that many Christians worship and take into account via the Holy Bible is the not the God that is out their.
I am getting off track here but I did say that a relationship that I had has come to an end. I have made my mistakes with him and he got a lot of grief from me because of my attempts to fit in connect with people. I was rude, I made harsh statements, but I tried. He says he tried too, but feels I am too much of a challange. I was trying to fit in certain groups but was not able to. The reasons range from a religious zealot who believes that government should be used by Christians to rule over the rest of us, to young Christian women who are nevous about me after knowing me for awhile.
I guess I am a monster in this Dog Eat Dog world, and see things that are no differerent than what you see on a soap opera with a list of allies, rivals, people filled with hated of certain people, and this list goes on and elements interchangable like lego blocks. However the drama is overdone just to give the people an entertaining program, so that you know I don't take these TV programs as the gospel truth.
Friend of the family...Is their such a thing? It depends. This 'friend' of mine wants to keep the door open but I am the one going to close the door and likely to keep it closed. He says he can't go 'deep' with me, but all I wanted to be support his family, but I guess he its FAMILY ONLY!!! Allthough he likes to show them off for all of us to see on his make shift website (I will not link the site). Maybe those who were married or still married are worth to be friends of this unnamed friend and not single people who can never make it with a lady or so it goes.
Well all I can say is that I feel better, and not this person is not worth getting back at. He does not understand that I would have done him favors when his family could not. Well he better hope that his family can be their everytime, cause I will not be their to help anymore. I know married people that don't chuck their friends after "crossing over" to world of marriage.
I am just glad that his wife had nothing to with the demise for our friendship.
Is marriage in my future??? Who knows, but I am prepared for a single life for the rest of my life.
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