Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I will start off with this week's audio commentary from Bob Parks. YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS ONE, cause its deals with property rights and eminent domain. Love his call for action, maybe the judges and the leaders in government will change their small minds. Anything that plays MP3's is required.

The media hopes for a "moderate" to replace O'Connor. This and more in today's Cyberalert from the Media Research Center

Dennis Prager talks about why the leftys will smear in order to keep rightys those who follow the Constitution off our courts.

$12,000 That is the amount of value that the Live 8 artists got in the amount of goodies, and for ya Claria (pronouced Sea-air-ra) fans this is NOT sex related but I would make stink if it were.

Hope you enjoyed America's Birthday Yesterday. Now read this from Ed Feuler who talks about the rise of DEPENDENCY!!!! MUST READ!!!!

Let me know if you see anything in The Declaration of Independence in which calls for the federal government to get involved in the needs of people. Now read it for yourself.

This man who needs no intro and he will make sure that nobody but leftys are serving on the courts.

Thomas Sowell talks about the reaction he is getting about his new book about Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

I keep telling you people that we need to end this bloody drug war and legalize the drugs. Well someone on the "Christian Right" gets it. Read this piece from Jim Rutz.

This next reading is taken from Jack Cashill's book "Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture." Exposes the commie in Alger Hiss and how the enlighted ones loved this S.O.B.

Fred Barnes has his thoughts on Bush moving the court around

Token Leftys

First two from EJ Dionne Jr.

Conservative justice steps down; liberals pray for another just like her

Bush fails to reach larger audience with rehash on Iraq

What would Molly Ivins say about Eminent Domain??? So far she and the Sith of Progressive Talk are on the right side.

One Last Time, Neal Boortz on INDEPENDENCE DAY! with a D

E-Mail me at donmccullen@prodigy.net


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