Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Does Karl Rove control the Bushies??? David Limbaugh says the leftys are in their fictional world.
Charles Krauthammer talks about the war on muslim terriorists in and outside the borders of a country, and calls for the level headed ones to denounce the extreme.
Neal Boortz talks about tax money paying for polticial leaders going to the scrubbed launch of you know what, Joe Wilson trying to sell books by bring Bush down (he is a partisan Democrat too), and Lady MacBeth (My nickname for Hillary Clinton) being critical of adult video games in which you should be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!!!.
Want to know why the ranchers and farmers are in trouble??? Devvy Kidd says its has to do with the Endangered Species Act and the 17th Amendment.
What do the terriorists want??? Larry Elder talks about what they want, and what lovers of Freedom must fight for.
The left has blogs of their own but Dean Barnett says they are not helping the Democrats one bit.
Token Lefty Tonight is Bill Press. Don't have to tell you where he stands regarding Mr. Rove
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