Want Imperialism??? Bush is far from it
You heard from the left. Bush Crime Family, Bush is a King, its an Imperial Government, now the ACLU is calling for the impeachment of Bush.
You know if you really want to see Imperial Goverment form before your eyes, what you really need to do is vote in the Democrats in both Houses of Congress and then elect a Democrat to the White House. Then you will very likely see Imperialism take effect.
Taxes will go even higher, more regulation and that includes killing talk radio, blogs all in the name of "fairness." It all belongs to the People. Can people see the parrels between this and what has and is happening in communist countries? Sadly the answer is no.
Look at how the Democrats talk about the "People" so much. They speak on Collective Terms. No mechion of Individuality at all, NONE!!!! They just keep talking like their speaking for all of us, and that is what they want in the first place. It's a red flag people, its about them and only them and they want to control you while they try to boost their cult of personality. Hey look at Ted Kennedy and and his useful idiot Darth Fargo (who might be giving Straight Talk in a Big Liberal City soon instead of the Heartland) says it best that Uncle Ted works really hard for the People.
What Ted Kennedy Might Say
Hey I got lots and lots of money, and even though its in a bank account in some small country, I really care about the people. Why cause I take it from you who works real hard and gives it to someone who can't and won't work as hard as you.
Only a fool would feel good about having their taxes rasied, to help those people that have lost "life's lottery." Can't they see what Ted Kennedy and other Dems are doing???? SPENDING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!!!! Most of them never had a "Welfare Christmas" for crying outloud. Again as I said, its the Cult of Personalty
Democrats are not about the working people, its about impowering the elite and making sure that no one else enters their elite circle. Just like they did and still done in the communist countries past and present.
Recomended Readings related to this:
David Limbaugh blows this thing called Imperialism.
Story about the ACLU talking about "impeaching Bush." Can anyone stand up to this group and remind the people that the ACLU wants a Communist America? Yes that is what the ACLU's founder wanted.
MUST READ from Walter Williams about the "Indoctrination of our youth."
Freequent guest to Bill Bennett's talk radio program and now "I Hope" Number One Fill In host for Neal Boortz talks about "gutless socialism."
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