Thursday, February 16, 2006

We are the Mainline (Liberal) Media. You Will Obey Us!!!

CBSNBCABC, NYTimes, WashPost, AP etc. You guys JUST DON'T GET IT!!!

Dick Chenny in spite of his tragic mistake is not going to send himself to the wolves and mainline media is anyone with a brain is leftist, supports Democrats no matter what, and will do what they to help their party take power and keep them in power.

Instead Chenny goes to the conforts of Brit Hume and FOX News Channel, A media outlet is somewhat right of center but the left of center as everyone else. Before that Chenny reported this to a local newspaper in Corpus Christi, Texas. At least he was supporting the little people, but that does not make Washington/White House Press Corps any happier. Wish those punks would take a hard look at themselves for once. The world does revolve around you creeps anymore.

Some people consider FOX News part of the new media, and more/less they are. Jack Cafferty calls FNC the "F#$* The World News Channel." Cafferty by the way works for the enlightned Cable News Channel or CNN for short. Hey we had names for CNN for quite awhile. Communist News Channel and Clinton News Channel are so far the best names.

Is the left in favor of the little people as Darth Fargo wants to prove to himself and other people??? The answer once again is a Big Fat NO!!!!

They are once again in favor of the elite. Those who claim to care about those who are not as big as them but again their actions speak louder than their words. Don't believe what a lefty says, believe in what a lefty Does. More often than not the Democrats are doing what they can to buy votes from people and then drain the lifeforce out of these people slowly. The Democrats staying in power depends on keeping people depended on them and a Nanny State Government.

Related Readings

Dick Chenny's interview with Bret Hum on FOX News Channel

Thoughts on this and more by Neal Boortz

Peggy Noonan's Take

Thomas Sowell's Take

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