Three Years, One Day
That is how long the United States has been in Iraq. Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of the invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, and still the left still wants us to cut and run.
Nobody likes war but when it comes to left they just seems to me that the left just does not the rest of the world to taste the greatness of the Freedom. They have always supported the dictators and socialist thugs that want to take over certain countries.
We are truly in a No Win position. The best thing to do is to continue to pay the price and stay in Iraq and do what needs to be done. If we leave now or before the mission is done things will not get better and the terrorists will only see America as a bunch of wimps.
No matter what evidence is given regarding the WMD's or elements to make them, the leftys still want to tell us that Saddam never ever had them. Wonder why the AlienMediaNationDriveByMediaLiberalSocialistMedia is having a hard time? You know what I think I should call the Old Media the Unofficial PR of the Democrat Party. Pure and simple.
That reminds me; Susan Sarandon is going to portray Cindy 'Sunshine' Sheehan in a upcomming movie about this so-called Peace Mom. Somehow the Democrat-Leftist media sees this Moonbat as the new Jane Fonda or something. If she goes to the other side and make a stink, then will truly be a New Jane Fonda...and a Traitor All The Way. Not only to our country but to her own son.
Oh well she has a place in the hearts of many in the Entertainment Business as we know allready. Will their ever be a movie in which is based on real life families and people who lost their children, husbands, and wifes in this war but continue to truly support the mission in Iraq and the War on Terror in general? Unless we can get more Freedom Loving people in that respected business I Doubt It. Cindy Sunshine is a loon and so is Hollywood.
Story from the San Fran Chronicle regarding this movie
Stay the course America. We Must win the war on Terror.
Related Readings
Story from USA Today
Bush's Radio Address Transcript from Last Saturday regarding the Three Year Anniversary in Iraq
Neal Boortz on the Cindy Sunshine movie and the Three Year Anniversary, Plus the dangers of Islam
Way to Go Newsmax. Keep showing the people that ObL and Saddam slept in the same Bed if you know what I mean. The Enemy of my Enemy IS MY Friend. NEVER FORGET IT!!!!
Newsmax also points out Turbin Durbin's remarks on FOX News Sunday. Could not answer Chris Wallace's question directly
Dick Cheney puts Bob Schieffer in his place regarding Uncle Ted. By the way Uncle Ted will be on the Face The Nation next week. Expect kid glove treatment from Bobby S.
Will never watch the Evening Newscasts from from the National Players (CBSNBCABC), but man I try to catch all of the Broadcast Sunday Morning Idiot Talk Shows (CBS's Face The Nation, ABC's This Week, NBC's Meet The Press, and FOX News Sunday) . If you listen carefuly you can hear what your leaders REALLY Believe. Remember Kerry's recent visit to Face The Nation? Called OUR Troops "Terrorists." To that end I say your a disgrace to our Nation Kerry and I am glad your not OUR President.
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