Friday, May 05, 2006

Recommended Readings

Kennedy Cover Up, Bush Numbers Up, and Three Cheers Up for Denmark. Notice the pattern yet??? Neal Boortz hopes you see it too. OK he did not do a Three Cheers Up, but it was fun to say that.

Ex-CIA agent might have called Rummy's bluff.

Oliver North is appalled on how our media is so Anti-American these days. North is even shocked on how media outlets outside the U.S. have been reporting the Iraq War. This piece from North is a MUST READ!!!

David Limbaugh says the only way that the GOP loses the house is that the base will sit out the election. Cozy up to the Dems and in the end they will knife you in the back, cause the Dems want their OWN KIND!!!

Remember one thing about Television Networks Broadcast and Cable. They buy programs they believe will attract an audience. If people did watch any of the "Reality Shows" they would not be made, BUT we do watch Reality Shows and Brent Bozell presents a few new ones that he is disgusted with.

Mike Gallagher wants us to get serious about the Mexican Invaders.

Jonah Goldberg now speaks his peace on Gas Prices. If had not listened to Rush Limbaugh regarding Nancy Pelosi's use of the term Robber Baron. You might want to read this piece and you will learn who coinned the term. If anyone is a Robber Baron its people like Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and any Republican that goes along with them.

Pat Buchanan talks about Bolivia nationalizing the Gas & Oil ndustry in that respect Nation. MUST READ!!!!

Well, Well, Well The Government is ALWAYS on the look out for Price Gougers. Edwin Feulner fills us in. Get it 'Fill Us In?'

For those who have a heart for Israel, Charles Krauthammer says the Jews that reside their might not be able to reach a population number of 6 Million ever again.

CNN is spining and Censoring again...Thank Goodness for Newsmax to shine a light on this group of "Commies." :-) Get it Communist News Network???

James Pinkerton says we need to pay attention to South America and their embracement of Socialism.


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