Tuesday Readings
'Not Ready To Make Nice?' It seems we hear the Ditzie Twits loud and clear, and still they not getting the radio airplay. Don't blame the programers, blame yourself especially your leader Natalie Maines and her Big Fat Mouth.
David Limbaugh calls Tim Russert's bluff when it comes to the anti-war propaganda of the MSM at large.
The Anti-Feminist is not buying Bush's speech from last week regarding the Mexican Invasion.
The death of politcal ideology. One can hope. Cal Thomas talks about how we the people how become disoriented and disgusted with the quest for power.
Dennis Prager talks about Harry Reed's recent remarks regarding the Mexican Invasion and how that might end the liberalism Ram on America He also shows why young people are 'liberal' in nature. Hint: It is an Easy way out (no need to think).
As the current TV season comes a close Mike Rosen talks about the prevailing liberal thought on TV.
The Fifth Season Finale of 24, Madonna's Jesus Christ Pose, Willam Jefferson cries fowl, No Price Couging at the Pump, and Veterans ID Thieft. Neal Boortz has things to say about it. Don't worry Boortz does not spoil the cliffhanger which wraps up the fifth season. Lets just say its something that he did in Season Four. Figured It Out Yet???
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