Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday Readings

Is the BBC jumping the Gun on this?? Keep in mind the video in question is from an anti-Coalition Iraqi group.

Todays Comments from Neal Boortz

Oliver North reminds the Republicans that they must have a good reason to convince the Masses why they should stay in power.

What goes on behind the curtain in North Korea. Should remind you all of what happened in Europe in the 1930's and 40's. Ooops I forgot Hitler fell from grace when he betrayed Joseph Stalin, not because he killed so many Jews.

Anyone who talks about how McCain-Feingold is an attack on Free Speech, gets linked here. Newt Gingrich has his anti-McCain-Feingold speech. I will continute to fight for this law to be repealed, and our LIBERAL leaning Court proves why its Bad Law.

When it comes to the Democrats they do all they can to buy votes. David Limbaugh shows us how Howard Dean is not only fruitless but two faced.

The Left truly enjoys this thing called Haditha, Iraq. Finally they have what they need to make Iraq the next Vietnam and help their fellow dictator friends win once again. After all these leaders truly have the concern of the working people in mind and are hardley dicator. Mona Charen talks about this.

While we are on the subject of Haditha Melanie Morgan calls the News Media to task on they way they are Vietnamize Iraq.

You may have heard about Melanie Morgan's attempt to censure Jimmy 'Peanut Head' Carter. Well looks like Carter give away money to the Bin Laden family. Their was never an enemy of America Carter disliked.

If you want to help Censure Carter Click these words.

Cal Thomas talks about the Hillary Factor.

What do the Saudis Preach??? Cliff May gives you a crash cource on this.


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