Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday Readings

Yesterdays Nuze from Neal Boortz ALWAYS MUST READING!!!

Kevin McCullough defends Ann Coulter in her attack on the 9-11 Widows/Jersey Girls. The loss of your husbands DOES NOT grant you an exemption from people like Coulter. No we will come after you for your support of the Democrats and anti-war leftys and vice versa. We not going to let them protect you at all. I back Coulter all the way on this one.

Tom Delay had a Long Good-Bye speech and certain Dems still were not happy. Here it is.

Yesterday I presented Mike Rosen's view on Al Gore's Properganda movie. Now here is one from Mark Davis.

Canada may help us with Afghanistan but with Iraq. Jonah Goldberg says they Cling to the ideal of "Understanding" the bad guy.

John Murtha wants to be Nancy Pelosi right hand man if the Dems claim power. Think twice before you give these Jack@$$ the Security Blanket of power.

On the other hand maybe he would love to be Speaker of the House.

Christopher Hitchens shows why the Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi DOES matter in spite of what the left says.

Poll Says Troops are Supported and Not the War. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY PEOPLE!!!


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