Tuesday Readings
You have to remember that the media hates Bush and with that they want us to fail in Iraq. Cal Thomas has what the media does not want to show.
With all this talk about a Marriage Amendment, Jim Powell shows how it is overeaching and its do different that what Teddy Roosevelt did getting into people's personal lifes.
Great piece from Thomas Sowell regarding our Birthright up for sale just because we want to play nice with the President of Mexico. It should be noted that he clamps down on the Invaders in HIS Country. Vicente Fox is not our friend.
Remember rushing to judgement regarding lefty icons OJ Simpson and Bill Clinton. Notice how the media changes its tune about rushing to judgement when it comes to the Haditha tragedy. David Limbaugh talks about it.
On the same subject Pat Buchanan points out how the Media Rejoyces in this.
Ann Coulter's new book Godless is out. Here is the first chapter for Free.
Brcue Bartlett gives us a History lesson regarding the Democratic party coup back in late 1890's. They were Gangsters then Gangsta's Now, and the Blacks are still being held down.
AFRTS might be considering adding more Hip-Hop to its music services, and less Talk Programing. It shows how our young people really are especially those that serving out Country.
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