Tuesday Readings
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz.
Cam Edwards is covering the UN's Gun Grabbing Summit. As long as he publishes them I will link them. These Links are MUST READS!!!! Show you the true nature of the left and why they want you Mr. and Miss. Joe DISARMED!!!
Ryan Sager talks about the GOP going after the 'Wal-Mart' voter since many of them are women that want Government to run with our lives on Social Grounds, and they have the 'Give Me's.' A libertarian conservative's worst nightmare??? You Bet.
Ed Meese on Paul W. Smith hosted Rush Limbaugh show says the Gray Lady commited Treason, and giving confort to our enemies.
Tresuary Sec. John Snow also takes a swing at the Gray Lady.
Could the left be hurting their own cause regarding Rape and Torture??? Dennis Prager compares their causes with the War on Terror.
Would The Gray Lady publish our OWN Nuclear Launch Codes??? David Limbaugh wonders about this and warns the Gray Lady that blood will be on their hands if spelled by the Enemy.
Walter E. Williams is not buying this Foreign Aid to Africa.
Katie Cookie Cutter's "Listening Tour." I wonder who she is listening too??? Not to me for sure, and she paying vists to such cites as Denver and San Fran (so-called 'Progressive' cites). Cal Thomas has his thoughts about it.
Its been awhile since a linked a 'token lefty.' It is Similer to World Net Daily's "Out In Left Field" link on their commentary page at their website. Taken from his talk show Darth Fargo the Sith Lord of Socialist Talk defends the actions of the Gray Lady and blames it all on Bush calling the GL just the messanger.
Besides he interviewed Helen Thomas just a few days ago.
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